Monday, 20 May 2013

The End is Nigh

In exactly one week, I will be back in Chicago, and this strange and wonderful adventure will be over. I am wrapping up my academic business; I have one final and one paper remaining. My big suitcase is sitting, half-packed, at the end of my bed.
I came across this quote on 3quarksdaily (my new favorite thing):
We have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us - the labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god; where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves; where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world."
          Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces

I think that, using this quote as a framework, I might manage to produce an interesting interpretation of my time here.
But I won't.
Not yet.
I think that I need to take some time to digest. And to reacclimate myself to America, to home.
I think that this might prove more difficult than I am now anticipating.
What has it really meant to me, to remove myself from familiar surroundings and try to live and learn on another continent?
My mother spent a semester in Strasbourg, in France, her junior year of college. She still talks about it. Will that be me in forty years? I wonder.
There have been ups and downs, ins and outs, to the past few months. But it is difficult to see the effect this has had on me while still in close proximity to the agent of change.
So, I'll wait.
I won't declare this blog complete, because I don't know if this experience will ever truly cease to affect me.
But, for now, adieu.

PS: I will be continuing my regular blog 'In Which Hannah Attends the University of Iowa,' which is mostly dedicated to my experience as an English major in a UNESCO city of Literature. Lots of poetry, a bit about classes, a smidge of politics, basically what I wrote about for this blog, but in Iowa City.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Oh, Malaria... or, In Which I am a Bit Catty

I had a bit of an argument with one of the girls on my floor yesterday. Her name is Julia; she is a pre-med student from West Virginia (which just makes me a little bit wary, irregardless of her personality). She rather casually mentioned, as we were discussing our just-finished history exam, that she stopped taking malaria prophylactics about a month after we got here. I couldn't believe my ears. Why in the world would anyone risk getting sick, when prevention is so easy? And she actually did get sick, about a month ago. She got, wait for it.... MALARIA! I never would have guessed *insert sarcastic surprised face here*. She was out of school for a week and felt awful. But then she started talking about how she was actually glad that she had gotten sick. She got to see what people here experience instead of the flu or a winter cold (not that the flu and the common cold don't exist here; they do, malaria just occupies their place in the average Ghanaian's life). She started going on and on about the wording of the Hippocratic Oath...Something about breathing the air that your patients breathe (Side note: I just looked up the traditional Hippocratic Oath and the more modern Declaration of Geneva, which is based on the Hippocratic Oath but modified for modern use, and there is nothing about breathing at all--the doctor's air or the patients'.). She laughed at me for taking my doctor's instructions very, very seriously, even arguing that the prophylactics do more harm to the liver than good in preventing malaria. I was very skeptical of this. She said, grinning at me all the while, that malaria isn't all that dangerous as long as you treat it right away. She was making some rather gross assumptions, inducing: the assumption that everyone knows what malaria feels like, the assumption that malaria presents easily identifiable symptoms,. that the symptoms of malaria are the same for everyone, that everyone is as aware of their bodies as she apparently is, and finally, that she knows better than all of the doctors who prescribed malaria prophylactics as an undergraduate pre-med student. I think that she was full of it. Even if malaria isn't the proverbial  boogeyman of the tropics (and need I remind anyone that West Africa was known as the 'white man's grave' during European colonial rule, before malaria prophylactics were introduced, for a reason?), it is still a serious health risk. My roommate's mother was in the hospital last month for untreated malaria. And she has lived in Ghana all her life and has had malaria before. I really bothers me that Julia was so dismissive of my concern for her health--and for my own. I have not missed a single dose of my malaria prophylaxis since I started taking them in January, and I do not intend to stop now, no matter what she says. I will conclude this rant by adding that Julia also said that she has been drinking tap water here, on occasion. I wish her luck with that, but I wash my hand of anything that may come of it. I think that it is incredibly reckless of her to take risks like that. A few biology classes do not make pre-med students invincible.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

We Match! (But that might not be a good thing...)

So, Caitlyn and I got our dresses back from the seamstress... And they are rather adorable! Maybe too adorable? I get the very unsettling feeling that we look a bit like sisters whose mother insists that they wear matching clothes...oh, or those big family trips where everyone wears matching t-shirts. But these dresses are too pretty to be tacky. Still, it's a good thing (for the dresses, at least) that soon Caitlyn and I will be two thousand miles apart. But we're going to wear them to the farewell dinner tomorrow, just so that we get pictures... or more pictures, that is.
It is surprisingly easy to have clothes made here. There are, literally, seamstresses everywhere. A few have even come knocking on doors in the student hostels.I have, thus far, had five dresses made for me and two skirts. I particularly like the one in the picture (it just screams 50s to me) and a wrap dress that is an aqua greenish color with bold splashes of color: golden yellow flowers, red leaves and purple swirls. More pictures of all later...

Saturday, 11 May 2013

A Day with Elephants

One of the things that I promised myself when I decided that I wanted to go to Africa was that I would not allow myself to buy into stereotypical tourist activities--like safaris. Then I read about Mole National Park in the Northern Region of Ghana. My guidebook calls Mole the unsung safari destination. Not only is it much less expensive than better-known destinations like Kenya or South Africa, it also offers a unique opportunity, one found nowhere else in Africa: in Mole, it is possible to get close to elephants, really close. I could probably do without the typical lions and cheetahs of traditional safaris. I probably will do without them, because who knows when I will get the chance to come back to Africa. But the opportunity to see elephants up close was irresistible. And I did get close--probably within fifteen feet. On a morning safari walk, we encountered a group of six elephants, five adults and an child, and followed them to the watering hole near the park hotel. They spent the day swimming and eating, and I spent the day watching them, first from the opposite shore of the watering hole, then from the observation balcony at the hotel. The whole thing was a magical experience: a day with elephants. A day with kind giants.