Tuesday 14 May 2013

We Match! (But that might not be a good thing...)

So, Caitlyn and I got our dresses back from the seamstress... And they are rather adorable! Maybe too adorable? I get the very unsettling feeling that we look a bit like sisters whose mother insists that they wear matching clothes...oh, or those big family trips where everyone wears matching t-shirts. But these dresses are too pretty to be tacky. Still, it's a good thing (for the dresses, at least) that soon Caitlyn and I will be two thousand miles apart. But we're going to wear them to the farewell dinner tomorrow, just so that we get pictures... or more pictures, that is.
It is surprisingly easy to have clothes made here. There are, literally, seamstresses everywhere. A few have even come knocking on doors in the student hostels.I have, thus far, had five dresses made for me and two skirts. I particularly like the one in the picture (it just screams 50s to me) and a wrap dress that is an aqua greenish color with bold splashes of color: golden yellow flowers, red leaves and purple swirls. More pictures of all later...

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