Monday 28 January 2013

In Which I Am Just a Bit Silly

Caitlyn and I have decided that we are like babies here. We don't really know how to take care of ourselves, we need constant help and supervision, and we whine a lot.
In the spirit of this decision I present my list of 10 worst places to have mosquito bites!

10 Worst Places to Have Mosquito Bites:
1. Bottom of your feet (totally happened to me already)
2. Tip of your nose (I live in fear)
3. On your Toes
4. On your Ears
5. On your Fingers
6. The Middle of your Back (right where you can't reach it)
7. Your Ankles (boney = itchy)
8. On you Behind (try sitting through class with one of these!)
9. Anywhere near your Eyes
10. Tie between Chin and Forehead (either is terribly conspicuous)

Caitlyn and I eat our first egg sandwiches: note the tinge of hysteria...

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